Numbers 3: Infinity
Rachel Ward

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ISBN: 9781906427665
Published: May 05 2011
The little girl sits in the dirt. She’s been exploring the forest, but now her legs are tired and she doesn’t want to walk any more. Anyway, it’s nice here. With all the stones and leaves and twigs around her she could make a nest for birds, or a house for mice. Her fingers are busy – picking things up, putting them down, arranging them – and her mind’s busy, too. She makes marks in the dirt with a stick – lines and circles – and her mouth moves as she sings herself the song that goes with her dust-pictures.
She hears the motorbikes before she sees them, a background whine that becomes a drone that turns into a roar.
She holds her hands over her ears. She’s never seen a motorbike before and now there are three, big and black and fast, belching out trails of dark smoke. The girl glimpses metal and rubber and leather between the trees.
‘Dragons,’ she whispers, and the pupils in her blue eyes grow wide.
The motorbikes slow down.
About the book
Adam, Sarah and little Mia are living together, struggling with the fame of seeing 'numbers' – the dates when people will die.
But something is about to tear them apart. During the Chaos, Mia swapped her number for another. Mia’s powerful new ability is highly desirable. Ruthless people are hunting her down. Everyone wants to live for ever ...
The third and final book in the thrilling, bestselling teen sci-fi series.
Numbers was the winner of the Angus Book Award 2010, was shortlisted for the Waterstones Children’s Book Prize and the Branford Boase Award, and was named a School Library Journal Best Book of the Year for 2010.
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Rachel Ward
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Numbers author Rachel Ward stops by our blog on the tenth anniversary of her debut novel ...
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