The Secret of Nightingale Wood
Lucy Strange

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ISBN: 9781910655030
Published: Oct 06 2016
ISBN: 9781910655634
Published: Oct 06 2016
We stood together, looking up at the new house – Father, Mama, Nanny Jane, Piglet and me. It was large and old, almost falling down in places, with gently bulging walls and a steep, tiled roof that was etched with lichen. The sign on the gatepost read HOPE HOUSE.
‘It’s a fresh start,’ Father said.
Mama didn’t say anything. She just stared at our strange new home, and then turned to stare at Father.
‘Come on, Piglet,’ I whispered to the baby. ‘Let’s have a look around.’
About the book
1919. Henry has moved to the countryside with her parents and her baby sister, Piglet – all still scarred by the death of her brother. Alone in her head, she begins to explore her surroundings, encouraged by her only friends – characters from her favourite books. Nobody much notices when she wanders into the woods at the bottom of the garden and meets Moth, a striking witch-like woman. Together they form a bond that could help Henry save her family.
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