Children's Fiction Competition: Barry's winning ingredients

Posted by Barry on Wednesday September 9th, 2015

What makes a Times/Chicken House Children's Fiction Competition winner? Judge and Chicken House Publisher Barry Cunningham – known for signing a then-unknown author called J.K. Rowling – shares his thoughts ...  (more…)

Children's Fiction Competition: How to Enter!

Posted by Jazz on Tuesday July 14th, 2015

We’re now halfway through the year, so technically closer to Christmas than last New Year – which means there are only 6 months left to get your manuscripts in tip-top shape and send them in to us. The deadline for entries to The Times/Chicken House Children’s Fiction Competition is Friday 18th December, so if you’re an unpublished children’s writer with a great story to tell, here’s a quick reminder on what you need to submit … (more…)